Event Curators

Are you interested in curating or assisting at an event at East Village Arts? We are looking for people to help us manage our many events. These events might be part of a regularly occurring series or a one-off event idea from a local artist that needs a helping hand. email director@evabham.org for more information.


Curators shall possess keys to open and close the gallery as needed in preparation and follow-up for events. 

Curators shall arrive early as needed to assess the climate (AC/HEAT)to prepare the space. This includes Cleaning & Arranging the room as needed.  

If significant changes are made to room set-up, curators will be responsible for re-setting the room after the (event or rehearsal) to its original set-up.  This must be done immediately after the event, or no later than next day to finish cleaning and re-set of the gallery.


HOSPITALITY:  Provide Water (at least) & Ice

Food or snacks may be provided or not  as appropriate to the event. 

CLEAN-UP:   Take out all trash bags, replace with new. Empty ice into the plant in front. Return coolers to the storage.   Check Bathroom for trash. 


FOLLOWUP : Thanks and return of any key loaned, gallery returned to its original set-up. AC/Heat checked. Lights off.